Friday, December 23, 2022

What do You Wish?

 Greetings! Best of Christmas Holiday Weekend Wishes!!! 

Here's a recipe idea to incorporate cashews over the Christmas Holiday Weekend:

CASH-SHEWS BRAND song on SPOTIFY:  cash-shews

#cashews #christmas #friday #weekend #recipe #song #cash-shews

Wednesday, December 21, 2022



As we embark upon a New Year and for readers that may not know where the brand: CASH-SHEWS was derived from, please learn more about this brand by clicking on the following link for more information.

National Africa-US Rising Cashew Day

In the interim, here's a quick read from a section based on the link shared above:

Why is this day being created?   

This day is being created because it’s the first time ever that farmers of cashews and an executive entrepreneur from the country of Gambia located in West Africa and a black owned CASHEW company, AFRICA RISING INVESTMENT, INC located In the United States of America created an import/export business that is registered on Over The Counter (OTC). Furthermore, this day is being created to exemplify for many people who deem all farmers as part of the intricate fiber toward a more healthy nation. In addition, National-US Africa Rising Cashew Day is being created as a national day of recognition of a commodity that can help reduce the health deterioration of the quality of life of ill-informed patients of sugar diabetes.

The significance of the creation of this day is also because efforts at promoting good natural food consumption from the raw commodity, cashews has a plethora of health benefits and the economical benefits are more reasons why National Africa-US Rising Cashew Day needs to be recognized nationally. In essence, it needs to become a staple project and we want to introduce this superfood food to the world from two of the continents of the Global North. Africa, which produces over 50% of cashews, is a great study for math fields such as micro/macro economics to increase financial literacy of future generations, thereby, the creation of National Africa-US Rising Cashew Day is vital to the impact of the world. Additionally, students enrolled in higher education that focus in the fields of health, agriculture, technology, as well as other fields such as geology will benefit from the amalgamate of AFRICA RISING INVESTMENT, INC and the CASHEW company in America due to more careers will be accessible. Parents and children will benefit from the consumption and neurological education about cashews as well. Moreover, this day is also being created because there is a need for more Americans to learn more about the incomputable benefits of cashews. Overwhelmingly, National Africa-US Rising Cashew Day is being created to empower communities at large with health and sustainable income benefits.

In addition here's a poem about cashews: 

Biggest Cashew Tree in The World

"Welcome to the Biggest

Cashew Tree in the World"

said the sign which greeted each little boy and girl and all of us old folks

who came to see this sight.

I was so excited

I couldn't sleep last night.

Planted in eighteen eighty-eight,

this old thing is really great.

Larger than a football field

and its branches often yield

eighty thousand nuts per annum

but I doubt they ever can 'em

Tourists are let to pick at will

and their pockets they can fill

This tree grows outward more than high

but no one really knows just why.

Some genetic anomaly 

explains what happened to this tree.

Author of Poem: Kim Barney

#cashews #poetry #newyear #tree #national #us #africa #link #newyear #viral #healthy #education #produce #commodity

Monday, December 19, 2022

BRAND NEWS 12-19-2022


Happy Holidays!

Please consider: A Gift of Cashews

Here's a song to share for mathematicians, health benefits, and motivation: CASH-SHEWS SONG


Health Benefits Of Cashews 

After talking about the nutritional value and the rich taste of cashews now it is time to get into the benefits of cashews.

Can prevent cardiovascular infections 

Cashew nuts are useful for our heart’s wellbeing. Cashew nuts are wealthy in fundamental unsaturated fats, potassium, and antioxidants as we mentioned earlier. It contains phytosterols, phenolic compounds, and oleic acid for our heart’s wellbeing and makes veins stronger. 

Cashew nuts assist with decreasing terrible cholesterol (LDL) and work on great cholesterol (HDL) in the body. It additionally has mitigating properties that lessen the inward aggravation that might cause a danger of getting any coronary illness. 

Help in reducing blood pressure  

Cashew nuts are rich in unsaturated fats and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and L-arginine. Over time it reduces blood pressure by expanding your veins. 

May control diabetes 

For individuals with type 2 diabetes, adding cashew to their eating regimen can basically control the glucose levels in their bodies. Cashews are rich in fiber, a supplement that forestalls glucose spike in the body, along with that they are also high in natural fats so, it is prescribed to have just 3-4 cashews each day. 

Immunity booster

Cashew nuts are plentiful in zinc and nutrients that keep you healthy. Zinc is an insusceptible immunity-boosting compound that is fundamental for essential cell measures. 

May strengthen your bones

For solid bones, we need a lot of minerals, and cashew nuts have them all. Cashew nuts are rich in copper and calcium that invigorates our bones and makes them stronger. Copper helps in keeping your joints adaptable by combining collagen. 

Boosts brain cells

The brain is the most dynamic organ of our body that requires a consistent inventory of unsaturated fats through diet to remain healthy. Cashew nuts contain brain booster supplements that might assist and help to keep your memory sharp. 

Can control weight 

Cashews are burned-through as a bite and furthermore utilized in nut blends. Cashew nuts are high in calories, proteins, and filaments that make you more full for a more extended time frame and kill your longings. However, since nuts are high in calories, it's fundamental to burn-through them with some restraint. 

Beneficial for hair 

Copper present in cashew helps produce hair shade melanin that upgrades hair tone. The fundamental unsaturated fats additionally keep your hair healthy and help in adding a natural shine to your hair. Eating cashews also help in reducing hair fall and can significantly improve your hair’s texture. 

Good for eyesight

Cashews contain zeaxanthin and lutein that are cell reinforcements that shield your eyes from the harmful UV beams. The antioxidants in cashews help the colors of your eyes to normally and fundamentally be guarded against harming light and may diminish the dangers of creating age-related eyesight issues.

Helps in male fertility 

Cashew nuts are rich in zinc that is fundamental to further develop sperm count in men, if you are dealing with fertility issues then you can add cashews to your diet but make sure you are consuming them in moderation. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Happy Holiday Season!

Many people seem to become more health conscious around this time. Please share a gift of cashews.

Please add the CASH-SHEWS Brand Song: CASH-SHEWS to your Playlist: Link to Spotify

#gifts #conscious #time #playlist #please #brand #song #cash-shews

Monday, December 12, 2022


 Greetings All! I hope you're enjoying festive events during this last month of 2022!

Please remember the brand, CASH-SHEWS in the New Year of 2023! 

In the meantime as more formalities are completed for the CASH-SHEWS distribution center in America, please add the brand song: CASH-SHEWS to your playlist as you read more about the benefits of cashews.



7 Incredible Cashew Nut Benefits:

  1. Heart Health
  2. Prevents Blood Disease
  3. Protects the Eye
  4. Good for the Skin
  5. Weight Loss
  6. Source of Dietary Fibers
  7. Healthy and Shiny Hair
#newyear #2023 #cash-shews #song #cashews #benefits #distribution #center

Friday, December 9, 2022

Why of All Nuts, Cashews?



Looking Forward to the Distribution Center Coming Soon to America!

        Currently, there is a song cultivating information to support the need for more youth to focus on  
        mathematics. Look forward to the mascot,  CASH-SHEWS teaching youth more about economics.

        The CASH-SHEWS song can be found on Spotify: CASH-SHEWS SONG

How can you not love cashews?

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Wow! These Nuts as a Booster

There are a variety of benefits for incorporating Cashews into your diet.  Here is some benefits retrieved from

May control diabetes 

For individuals with type 2 diabetes, adding cashew to their eating regimen can basically control the glucose levels in their bodies. Cashews are rich in fiber, a supplement that forestalls glucose spike in the body, along with that they are also high in natural fats so, it is prescribed to have just 3-4 cashews each day. 

Immunity booster

Cashew nuts are plentiful in zinc and nutrients that keep you healthy. Zinc is an insusceptible immunity-boosting compound that is fundamental for essential cell measures. 

May strengthen your bones

For solid bones, we need a lot of minerals, and cashew nuts have them all. Cashew nuts are rich in copper and calcium that invigorates our bones and makes them stronger. Copper helps in keeping your joints adaptable by combining collagen. 

Boosts brain cells

The brain is the most dynamic organ of our body that requires a consistent inventory of unsaturated fats through diet to remain healthy. Cashew nuts contain brain booster supplements that might assist and help to keep your memory sharp. 

Please add the CASH-SHEWS brand's song to your playlist on Spotify, #spotify Thank you in advance. #thankyou #cashews #cash-shews.


Vegan Cashew Cheese

  Greetings All, Please check out the link for the vegan cashew cheese recipe:  Vegan Cashew Cheese Recipe As far as the CASH-SHEWS BRAND en...